I believe we all belong here. On this planet. To this life. To each other.
And I want stories that are big enough to hold us all.
Stories are powerful. They shape our sense of what’s possible. Good stories connect us with ourselves, each other, and something greater. They express truth, comfort pain, celebrate beauty, and inspire courage.
Bad stories do the opposite. They create division, emptiness, and scarcity. We live in a time where the stories we’ve inherited are holding us back and tearing our world apart.
Who the new story is for
You. If you’re comfortable with the world as it is you’re welcome to stick around but this probably is not the place for you. The New Story is for those who yearn for something more spacious and vibrant than a culture that tells us we’re not enough, we don’t belong, and the solution to our struggles is to fix our flaws.
Riya. The New Story is for my daughter Riya, as well as my nieces Anna and Brooke. We’ve all inherited a burden of false narratives, trauma, and toxic theology that those before us weren’t able or willing to face. The next generation deserves to thrive. What I share here is part of how I work to lighten the load and clear the trail for them.
Me. It’s healing to find my voice and speak truth as I see it. This newsletter is an evolutionary process of writing my way toward the new story that I feel rising in me and in the collective.
I believe our longing for something more whole is evidence that
we’re capable of it. That’s what I’m here to explore.
It becomes possible together
Thank you for being here. It’s a gift to be doing this being human thing together.
Thank you to all my wise, brave friends who are traveling their own healing path and cheering me on as I step forward to share what’s mine to share. Special thanks to my partner Alan Starner and my mentor Ro Marlen.
I wouldn’t be where I am without all of us and I’m deeply glad we’re walking together.
A note about poetry 🎶
Most of what I share here at The New Story is my stories and poems. Poetry is a form of storytelling that makes words dance and turns language into music. I love poetry and share mine in two formats because I want you to have the full experience~
Poetry is a song. It believe it’s meant to be heard with the ear as well as read on the page. That’s why I read my poems aloud for you. I highly recommend you click on the audio or video file to receive the full experience of the spoken poem.