Oh sweets

Powerful piece! Thank you. Been there so many times. So easy to fall back into it, even when we think we have found our voice, our power and strength. Will come back to this writing again after I let it sit and resonate with my body, my senses , my heart.

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Oh, it delights me immensely to know that you are here and reading, friend! One small but meaningful way that we can connect across the miles. Thank you for sharing this. It feels so valuable to normalize the bumpiness of the journey of finding our voices and freeing ourselves from the conditions and conditioning that bind us. Sometimes it feels very one-step-forward-and-two-steps-back. I think knowing that other people experience that too makes it easier to keep moving forward. Love you.

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Yes, I am delighted that you are sharing your writings and your wonderful perspectives on this journey of life and that we can be connected across the miles in this way.

And sometimes I think our steps go sideways.. and at times we find a whole new path to travel on and sometimes those sidesteps get us lost in the tumbleweeds, and then it is so good to have another’s view to find our way back. Love you 😽

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